Specialist Program
Specialist Program
At St Carlo's we offer a broad and engaging curriculum. The children have weekly lesson with specialist teachers in the following areas:
Physical Education
Physical Education is an important part of the curriculum. The program aims to promote lifelong participation in physical activity through the development of attitudes, skills and movement competencies. It assists students to develop an understanding of the balance of physical, social and mental aspects of health in the effective functioning of individuals.
Health and Physical Education program aims to foster healthy active students. The program develops students knowledge in and reinforces the following:
An understanding that health has physical, social and emotional dimensions.
An understanding of the factors that impact directly and indirectly on the health and safety of individuals, families, groups and communities.
Knowledge and skills to plan, implement and evaluate actions to promote wellbeing and safety.
An understanding of how food provides nutrients for energy and growth, playing a significant role in people’s social lives, and the importance of selecting food to promote health and growth.
Provide children with the opportunity to achieve success in various areas of the Physical Education Curriculum
Teach specific skills and rules that apply to a wide range of sports.
Provide an enjoyable and pleasant environment that allows all children to progress at their own rate.
Digital Technologies
At St Carlo Borromeo Primary School we value the contribution that Digital Technologies can make for the benefit of all students, staff and parents. To this end the school actively promotes and utilises Digital Technologies opportunities within the whole school structure and ethos and with greatest emphasis on the promotion of learning and teaching.
Our vision encompasses the following aims: -
To enable all our staff and pupils to be confident, competent, and independent users of Digital Technologies. We aim to use Digital Technologies where appropriate to motivate and inspire pupils and raise standards across the curriculum.
To develop pupils' Digital Technologies skills, knowledge, understanding and capability through taught Digital Technologies lessons and to provide opportunities for pupils to apply and consolidate their Digital Technologies capability across all curriculum contexts.
To provide an environment where access to Digital Technologies resources is natural and commonplace.
To keep pace with educational developments in Digital Technologies and have a commitment to teachers having the necessary tools to do their jobs effectively.
To promote effective learning and teaching and to use Digital Technologies to extend and develop communication skills.
To effectively use Digital Technologies for communication across the school community and work towards reducing our reliance on paper for communication.
LOTE (Italian)
LOTE at St. Carlo's is all about fostering an appreciation of the diverse multicultural society we live in. At the junior levels, the emphasis is on the development and acquisition of listening and speaking skills. Through stories, songs, rhymes and games, students begin to explore the sound and the rhythm of Italian. From Year Three to Year Six, students begin developing skills in reading and writing, through a range of sequential and developmental activities. Students at the senior levels are encouraged to explore language through an integrated and personalised approach, by selecting tasks that are relevant and purposeful to their particular needs or interests.
Throughout the year, students at St. Carlos also have the opportunity to take part in external competitions such as the Penola Catholic College Italian Transition Program for students in Years Five and Six and the Dante Alighieri Junior Poster Competition, which is open to all year levels.
As a culmination to the year, in term four, the school community celebrates all things Italian, such as art, music, singing and dancing, a parade of costumes and an Italian lunch, with it's annual Italian day.
Performing Arts
Our Performing Arts Curriculum aims to develop students’:
confidence and self-esteem to explore, depict and celebrate human experience, take risks and challenge their own creativity through drama
knowledge and understanding in controlling, applying and analysing the elements, skills, processes, forms, styles and techniques of drama to engage audiences and create meaning
sense of curiosity, aesthetic knowledge, enjoyment and achievement through exploring and playing roles, and imagining situations, actions and ideas as drama makers and audiences
knowledge and understanding of traditional and contemporary drama as critical and active participants and audiences.
Visual Arts
Visual Arts includes the fields of art, craft and design. Students create visual art works that communicate, challenge and express their own and others’ ideas. They develop perceptual and conceptual understanding, critical reasoning and practical skills through exploring and expanding their understanding of their world, and other worlds. They learn about the role of the artist, craftsperson and designer and their contribution to society, and the significance of the creative industries including the roles of critics, curators and commentators. Students learn about the relationships between the viewer and artworks and how artworks can be displayed to enhance meaning for the viewer.
The St Carlo Borromeo school library is an exciting and vibrant resource centre of our school. Each class is timetabled to visit the library each week to borrow books for reading. We ask that parents help to reinforce library rules which we have in place.
Our aim at St. Carlo’s is to encourage and inspire our students to develop a love of reading and this is clearly evident when we see the enthusiasm and love with which our students have towards books.