Student Wellbeing

Developing a Positive School Climate

At St. Carlo’s, we believe that each person needs to be treated with respect. We believe that Jesus came to teach us how to live and how to respect ourselves, others and the world created for us by God. We strive to enable all members of our community to nurture one another in an atmosphere of forgiveness and reconciliation. We support each other through open communication and co-operation and value the uniqueness of each individual.

St. Carlo's gives priority to establishing a safe and supportive school environment focusing on positive relationships. This emphasis recognises that the physical, social and emotional health of the student is a critical foundation for effective learning and personal development. As part of our Wellbeing strategy, we aim to foster social and emotional health and positive quality relationships in our school community through teaching and modelling for students a range of social competencies.

Developing a Positive School Climate

At St Carlo , we endeavour to support students to learn effectively and to develop positive attitudes and behaviours in a number of ways.

The connection between the promotion of wellbeing and positive learning outcomes is clear. Research related to health and wellbeing shows that schools are important environments for the promotion of wellbeing in children and young people. Further, positive learning outcomes occur when delivered through a framework of social and emotional learning (SEL) approaches. Together they provide a sound basis for developing future healthy relationships and ultimately, achieving success in life.

St.Carlo’s gives priority to establishing a safe and supportive school environment where positive relationships are targeted in policy, programs and practices. This emphasis recognises that the physical, social and emotional health of the student is a critical foundation for effective learning and personal development.

Restorative Practices

We want to build a community that has quality relationships together with clear expectations and limits. We want to use teachable moments to enhance our interactions with students where we can help them repair damaged relationships. This helps build a community that is forward looking, optimistic and inclusive.

The Restorative School believes in the "Three R's" - Relationships, Responsibility and Relevance.

When working with the student/s using a Restorative Approach, a staff member uses four (4) main questions:

  • What happened?
  • Who was hurt/ affected by what happened?
  • What needs to happen to make things right?
  • If the same situation happens again, how could you behave differently?

At St. Carlo Restorative Practice, Circle Time and clear School Expectations teach key values that create an ethos of respect, inclusion, accountability, responsibility, commitment to relationships, empowerment and emotional articulacy. Key skills include active listening, facilitating, dialogue and problem solving, listening to and expressing emotion and empowering others to take ownership of problems.


Counselling and support is available for individual students upon referral from teachers or parents.