Principal's Welcome

Principal’s Welcome

Welcome to St. Carlo Borromeo Primary School. St Carlo's is a great school with excellent teachers, very supportive parents and amazing students!


St Carlo Borromeo Primary School is situated in the growing community of Greenvale and is part of the Parish of the Good Shepherd. St Carlo Borromeo School was established in 1987 with 120 children. As the suburb developed, the student numbers increased, and in 2020 we have a student population of 578 children. With the growth of student numbers the physical environment has changed, from relocatable classrooms that were frequently surrounded by mud to what is now a beautifully landscaped complex. Extensive building projects have included a multi-purpose hall and parish chapel, a senior classroom block, junior classroom block and an arts centre for both the visual and performing arts. We continue to maintain and update our facilities so that we can provide the best opportunities for our students.


St Carlo’s is a vibrant Catholic community, committed to providing an excellent all-round education for the children in our care. We provide access to a wide range of educational opportunities in order to develop and challenge each child. We aim to have each child reach their full potential in a friendly, secure, engaging learning environment. With the motto “Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow” we promote and foster openness, risk taking and trust as we open our hearts and minds to an education for all. Our school vision is focused on a commitment to learning and teaching for the 21st century as we prepare our learners to participate in the ever changing society. St Carlo Borromeo Primary School, Greenvale, is a vibrant Catholic community, committed to providing an innovate, authentic and contemporary education for the children in our care. We at St Carlo’s provide access to a wide range of educational opportunities for our students. We develop and challenge each child to discover a love of learning and to enable them to succeed and reach their full potential in a friendly, safe and engaging learning environment. The teaching staff at our school is dedicated and highly committed to ongoing professional learning where we keep abreast of the latest educational initiatives. This allows us to match learning styles to meet the needs of individuals and improve overall student performance. We have a strong sense of Catholic identity where we value spirituality, building and maintaining a community where we nurture and live out the Gospel values. I look forward to meeting you.

Kevin Gleeson
